Thursday 1 July 2010

Take walk on the wild side

I'm heading toward Dartmoor and the forecast is for wild and windy and wet weather. Suppose it makes a change from heat.
Loving all the comments, keep them coming.
Come on Zack, act your age. You'll find that drinking namby pamby milk won't help the pain, try a couple of pints of real ale instead.
Dunsford was lovely, a good quiet resting place where I walked no more than 100 yards the whole time I was there, also managed to have some of Dartmoor brewery Jail Ale, excellent.
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  1. hi Steve, just a few days left now, what a fantastic achievement. Just think next week you will be waited on by everyone, anything you want just ask cos no-one will dare to say no!!! Seriously I have enjoyed following your blog and all the comments you've made. I know i've said it before, but we are all really proud of you for doing this. Think of all the people who will benefit from your collection. Only wish I could be at Lands End to celebrate with you. Take care, end is in sight now Jane.

  2. alright. i'll try some beer if you try some milk. i bet i know which of us will throw up first.

  3. The end is in sight Steve, you are doing really well. Envious of all the good ales you have consumed. Look forward to your next report.

  4. Zack..nanny says"NO"
