Wednesday, 19 May 2010


What great day it was, beautiful weather and a lovely place to stay.
When you book a bunkhouse you don't expect a lot but at Inversnaid Bunkhouse you get to stay in a lovingly restored old church, with a top notch licensed bistro thrown in. They've even retained the stained glass windows.
I had the pan fried beef in chocolate and cayenne pepper, with whisky jus. Washed down with two bottles of Marstons Oyster Stout.
If you're hostelling round here this is a must
Only shame was that I couldn't stay for breakfast.
Out at 6.30 today in the mist and rain, then took a wrong turn which hhas added 30 mins to my 22 miles for the day.
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  1. ooh how lovely, you are so lucky being able to see all these places...and drink lots of nice beer! Mark went to see the knee specialist this morning and they kept him in for surgery! have a nice day lv lisa xx

  2. Looks like a gorgeous place. You are doing so well. I showed my kids in the classroom what you are doing, they were duly impressed. I am enjoying the quality of your blogging too, from a teachers point of view. Would you like me to mark your work??? Joking! I have enough to do. I hope you are meeting lots of wonderful people and collecting business cards of the best places, so that we can stay in them when we come.
