Friday, 21 May 2010

Every day is a winding road

And my days have wound me to Airdrie where I'm staying a few nights. Seeing David yesterday was a special moment, the first person for three weeks that I could reminisce with about life before the walk. I am being treated royally and will be sorry to leave when the time comes.
I've neglected to mention donations on the road from the dolly sisters who by now will have laughed all the way to Fort William, and also Alan and Davey - thanks lads hope the rest of your walk went well.
Walking The west highland way was a great experience and going against the flow showed me that its really a 95 mile long, 1 yard wide holiday resort. When I started at Fort William the people finishing were bubbly and confidant and were all friends, and as I moved along I started to meet people who were forming friendships and becoming familiar with their surroundings. By the time I finished it seemed that newcomers were quiet and nervous. I'm so glad I did it but I guarantee that I won't be back.
Patricia, many thanks for your comments, hope the tapestry is progressing. The breakfast table conversation has become pretty important to me as its the only time that I can get a captive audience for my tales of the road. I've already bored quite a number of people in B+B's throughout Scotland.
Later today I return to Milngavie to walk the 17 miles back to Airdrie with David, that will crack the 300 mile barrier. I remember posting the 3 mile pic.
Todays pics are the last farewell to WHW
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