Monday, 4 April 2011

Every cloud

Golf yesterday was pretty much the same as the day before, most of it good but with some absolute rubbish in the middle. Still I'm out in the fresh air when I'm playing and there's always the Hobgoblin ale at the end.
Today started with something of a disaster when I showered and water dripped through the ceiling into the dining room. Investigation showed that the seal around the bath had stopped working so it was off to the DIY shop this afternoon for replacements, not before we went for our now regular Monday walk around the lake, just the two miles today.
On the way to the shop we called to visit one of our old neighbours who has moved into a town centre flat, it's a little distressing to see how disabled he's become after knowing him for so long when he was fit and healthy. We then made one of my regular trips to the tip with some debris from the weekend's gardening, whilst crouching to pick some of it up my hamstring twanged again. I'd almost forgotten about it as it hadn't given me any problems yesterday or for the first part of today, it looks like I'll have to wait another few days before I start jogging again.
I got a call from my doggy employer and have our first dog guest booked in for the end of September, typically it will coincide with the Windsor run so I will have to sort the logistics out, maybe I can take her down with us.
Also had a call from Alan, my brother, he's invited me on a golf trip to Northumberland in August, can't wait for it.
Tomorrow morning should see our plumber Phil arrive to start work on the en suite, I just want him to do the basic preparatory plumbing at the moment and then I can get on with sorting the rest out.
I didn't know there was so much to this retirement lark.

1 comment:

  1. You gonna call it "Steve's Jog Blog" now?
