Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Go west

Its west, west , west from here on in. Every step taking me towards Cornwall, the last of the 13 English counties that I go through. Sorry but I haven't a clue what the Scottish ones were, perhaps someone could help on that.
I'm composing this over a pint of Cotleigh Nutcracker in a Wetherspoons in Exeter. Sorry but my vow of daytime sobriety didn't last long, I succumbed to the lure of Otter bitter yesterday in the Vine at Honiton and who in their right mind could resist this place - check out the pic.
On my way this morning I passed the local airfield, that certainly would have been easier for me.
Just a thought, when I see Aaron and Katy at Lands End they, too, will be End to Enders. They drove up to JOG the week before I started and will arrive at LE on the day I do. I will have walked it a week quicker than they've driven it.
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  1. Hi it's mum catching up. I am at peters Still doing well. More soon Love Mum

  2. hello steve just a quick one to let you know we are still watching you and are still thinking of you all the time keep it up mate all the best Mark and the hazel grove Robbos

  3. Be careful not to refer to Cornwall as an English county - most locals would dispute that it is part of England. Certainly went through Peebleshire Selkirkshire and Roxburghshire in Scotland
