Wednesday, 25 November 2009


My first real day after I finished work and I was determined to start training in earnest. I had been doing a couple of two hour walks each week for a month but wanted to do more so off I went for a good 3 hours. Apart from the wind and rain I enjoyed it, its amazing what you notice at walking pace that you dont see in your air conditioned gas guzzler.
Later in the day I visited my doc for treatment on a verrucca on the ball of my left foot, it hadnt been giving me any problems but I thought I might as well have it removed. He's applied the freezing spray and I've been hobbling for two days now. Don't kno when I can get back out walking. Still, he checked me out and declared that I'm healthy. I suppose that every cloud has a silver lining.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

getting started

Ive been using google maps tro work out stopping places, with a view to generally walking no more than 20 miles in a day, and then checking if I can find any listed accommodation on line. So far so good but I'm sure it can't be that easy.
I really don't know if I should book all the stops in advance or whether to just do the first few and then book as I go along.
Still, as I'm not thinking of starting out until May (6 months away) I hope that someone can give me the right advice.
At the moment it looks like I'll be going to JOG by myself, and it'll be at least a couple of weeks before I meet up with anyone I know.
I like the irony of getting to the starting point by taxi, then walking for 10-12 weeks.
I'm also thinking of walking across both the Tay and Forth bridges, I hope its allowed otherwise I'll end up walking a couple of extra days.


When I retired I foolishly announced that I intended to walk from John O Groats to Lands End (JOGLE), by posting to this blog I reckon I will be too embarrassed to pull out. So here goes.

Already I've decided that its to be North Tto South, simply because I fancy a holiday in Cornwall when I finish.
I will be walking on roads and towpaths, not on the national footpaths. I'm not a good walker and can honestly trip over a matchstick, at least if I am on a road when I fall I should get rescued easily.
NO CAMPING for me, my days of doing that are long gone.
I will keep the costs down by using hostels and guest houses and Ive already lined up friends and family around the country for free stopovers.