Thursday, 10 December 2009

On the road again

Its been a good week so far, firstly with Everton scraping a draw against Spurs and then with Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings all being good enough weather for a walk. The first two being about two hours and today for three hours. Added to two rounds of golf on last w/end and I'm starting to think I'm making progress with the stamina.
Obviously I'm nowhere near ready yet for the Jogle trek, not even up to half distance and not yet carrying any pack, but I've got to start somewhere.
I'm also heavily into planning, looking for a backpack (waterproof and not too large) and I've now put up the UK map in my office, and pinned the probable stops on it.
Seeing it like this makes me wonder whether Ive got the right route through Scotland, I'm planning to go east of the Cairngorms and down to Dundee.
I wonder if its better to stick to the A9 to Perth which could save days, but I'm worried about the availability of stopping places.
No doubt I will have to make a decision but theres still time yet.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Not training

Havent done anything since my last entry, firstly mt foot was just too sore and then the dreaded decorating, both at home and for my Mum in Norfolk, got in the way.
I have been checking on the journey to JOG and it looks like I can fly to Wick. It will be on a Sunday so no buses. Taxi it looks like.
Hoping the weather is Ok next week so I can get some serious walking in in between the 4 pre christmas lunches that I am going to.
Toffees started my week off badly losing to Liverpool, I get some stick from the red half of the family - should be getting used to it by now.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


My first real day after I finished work and I was determined to start training in earnest. I had been doing a couple of two hour walks each week for a month but wanted to do more so off I went for a good 3 hours. Apart from the wind and rain I enjoyed it, its amazing what you notice at walking pace that you dont see in your air conditioned gas guzzler.
Later in the day I visited my doc for treatment on a verrucca on the ball of my left foot, it hadnt been giving me any problems but I thought I might as well have it removed. He's applied the freezing spray and I've been hobbling for two days now. Don't kno when I can get back out walking. Still, he checked me out and declared that I'm healthy. I suppose that every cloud has a silver lining.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

getting started

Ive been using google maps tro work out stopping places, with a view to generally walking no more than 20 miles in a day, and then checking if I can find any listed accommodation on line. So far so good but I'm sure it can't be that easy.
I really don't know if I should book all the stops in advance or whether to just do the first few and then book as I go along.
Still, as I'm not thinking of starting out until May (6 months away) I hope that someone can give me the right advice.
At the moment it looks like I'll be going to JOG by myself, and it'll be at least a couple of weeks before I meet up with anyone I know.
I like the irony of getting to the starting point by taxi, then walking for 10-12 weeks.
I'm also thinking of walking across both the Tay and Forth bridges, I hope its allowed otherwise I'll end up walking a couple of extra days.


When I retired I foolishly announced that I intended to walk from John O Groats to Lands End (JOGLE), by posting to this blog I reckon I will be too embarrassed to pull out. So here goes.

Already I've decided that its to be North Tto South, simply because I fancy a holiday in Cornwall when I finish.
I will be walking on roads and towpaths, not on the national footpaths. I'm not a good walker and can honestly trip over a matchstick, at least if I am on a road when I fall I should get rescued easily.
NO CAMPING for me, my days of doing that are long gone.
I will keep the costs down by using hostels and guest houses and Ive already lined up friends and family around the country for free stopovers.